Love That Space: Post Graduate Apartment, The American School in Switzerland, Lugano, 1997
The Vision: Aquarium Awful
The Elements: pink tile, industrial shower curtain, silver and teal stencils of fish and bubbles.
The Huh? Factor: while at a Swiss boarding school, how on earth did we get our hands on spraypaint? (and also: fish?)
The Analysis: I chose this room for my flashback this week because I have stencils on the brain. There have been awesome ones in blogland this week here and here and here, and my wheels are still spinning on Oliver's alcove. And these old stencils of mine are b-a-d, BAD. Granted, I was 17, overseas at school, with limited supplies and no budget, but still. I honestly can't remember what possessed us, but I can remember cutting the stencils in cardboard like it was yesterday. I remember the sort of butterflies in the belly feeling when we were spraying them on--clearly, this would not be condoned by the school. But I guess the impulse to decorate cannot be squelched. If only I had a picture of my ROOM from this apartment, you would pass out from the heady use of flowers and pre-raphaelite posters.
What Remains: sadly, probably those fish! Actually, no, if i recall, my parents got charged a fee to have the bathroom repainted. Sorry, Mom and Dad! You should have made me pay for it. Also, it has recently occurred to me, looking at the fabulous bathroom of blogger I Suwannee, that I have never gone in for much bathroom decor beyond the obvious (shower curtain, art), and I look forward to taking my bathrooms to the next level. Someday.
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