Remember how I was thinking about the styling options for the rattan swing chair in the girls' room? My original intention was to recover the gross brown cushion that came with the chair, but when I settled down to do it, back around New Year's, I discovered that the foam inside was disintegrating. I was feeling all cocky and I decided to use the denser foam left over from making the girls headboards to do something custom, and went to work cutting two half circles, using spray adhesive to attach them to one another, and using a kitchen knife to shave down the edges so they'd be rounded. So far, so good. Next, I traced two circles in the fabric and three long strips the width of the foam, plus a seam allowance.

Look how confident I was feeling: I started taking photos to document the process, for a little tutorial, I suppose. If I had looked for a tutorial in the first place, from someone who knew what they were doing, none of this would have been a problem.

And then it dawned on me: I wasn't trying to make a little cushion, I was trying to upholster one. It had seemed so clear in my head, you know? Until I realized I had it all wrong.
Okay, weeks pass. Yesterday I finally decided to take the disaster apart and just copy the original cushion, like I should have done in the first place. I pinned the two circles with right sides together, sewed most of the way around, turned it right side out, stuffed it with the leftover batting from the headboard project, sewed the opening closed, and tufted the cushion in four places just like the original. And it took, like, half an hour? Or less? Like what I should have done in the first place.
I brought it upstairs, feeling all good about it even though the circle was a little lopsided because I got a little sloppy (which can happen on the second go-round), and tossed it into the chair.
It was Too. Small.

Enter project number 2.
One day a while back, Clio had grabbed her pillow off her bed and put it in the chair, reminding me that sometimes function will simply reveal itself. It just so happens that I had a plain white sham that came with the girls' duvet sets, and a huge spool of green grosgrain ribbon that I bought years ago at the Manhattan Antiques show. So I set to work customizing, thinking, again, what a simple little project this would be. I laid out the ribbon approximately how I wanted it to be.

Wrong! After the 24 hour cure time, the ribbon just fell off the pillowcase, just a bit stiffer, as if the adhesive was starch. That was all around New Year's, too. I guess I was feeling ambitious....and then squelched.
Fast forward back to yesterday, when I realized that the back pillow would solve the problem of the too-small seat cushion, so I dug out my second failed project, determined to do it right. This time around, I got some fabric glue, used for hems, etc, and used that to attach the ribbon. It was a mess to use, and thus no photos, but once I got the ribbon on, mitered corners and all, I covered it with brown grocery bags, put some heavy books on top (oh, the perks of being an art history major!), and when I came back this morning the ribbon had actually adhered. I used the sewing machine to tack down the mitered corners (and only once sewed the case closed), and...done.
This would have been a lot easier to do on a piece o fabric before it was configured into a sham, but then, I suppose, I would have had to make the sham. And nothing slows down a project like changing the thread color on the machine.
I took it to the girls room, threw it on the bed, and liked it so much I thought I was going to have to make another one for the other bed.

Luckily, I also like it in the chair. And I especially like the way the two projects worked out, together.

I'm slightly less fond of the fact that a 1-2 hour set of projects took 5-6 hours, plus 6 weeks. (Though, to be fair, I might have had less of a problem the first time around if I hadn't been multitasking--er, watching Damages--at the same time.)
But all's well that ends well, and I probably learned a lesson or two, too.
I hope this makes any DIYers out there feel better about their own moments of idiocy (you have had them right?)
Have you had them? Do tell.
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